According to, nearly one third of all injuries happen in the home and many of these can actually be avoided!
Of all the rooms in your house, which do you think might be the most dangerous? The kitchen? The bathroom? Well, the truth is that every room holds many dangers. Your garage is no different. In fact, because you don't 'live' in your garage it often becomes a dumping ground because it's 'out of sight', there may be dangers lurking in your garage that you're completely unaware of.
We've found ten ways to reduce the chance of injury in your garage, all of them are practical and would most likely apply to any garage in and around South Africa.
1. Organise all items in designated, easy-to-reach places so that large piles don’t accumulate.
2. Store shovels, rakes, garden chairs, bikes and other sharp objects on the wall to prevent trips and falls.
3. Clear floors and steps of clutter, grease and spills.
4. Keep children’s play things in one area and within their reach to prevent children from exploring potentially dangerous areas.
5. Light your garage brightly.
6. Protect light bulbs near work areas with substantial guards to reduce risk of breakage and fire.
7. Light stairs brightly and install secure handrails or banisters.
8. Make sure poisonous products such as pesticides, automotive fluids, lighter fluid, paint thinner, antifreeze and turpentine have child-resistant caps, are clearly labelled and are stored either on a high shelf or in a locked cabinet.
9. Do not use braai grills and electric generators inside the garage as they emit carbon monoxide and pose a fire hazard.
10. Install a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector in the garage.
Do you have any other tips for us? Write to us and let us know! We hope you're able to make your garage a safer place for you and your family.